510 808 333
1. I want to come by car. Where can I park it?
A. You can leave your car at a guarded parking lot at our kayak base in Parchowo - the cost is 5 PLN / day. It is very convenient as organized weekend trips start at our base, so there will be no problem with the cars. There is also the possibility of leaving the car in the village from which you start kayaking or in a place where trip will end - but in such situations you have to arrange that individually while booking the trip. Depending on the place you will be instructed about the right place where your car will be safe.
2. I would like to take part in kayaking trip following the steps of John Paul II.
A. Pope John Paul II was an eager canoeist and there are a few rivers which he didn’t try out. These include Brda, Drawa, Wda, but it is Słupia which deserves special attention. Papal Canoe Route includes the section from Gowidlino to Slupsk and at ten stopping places along the route Papal stones were situated as a reminder of the kayaking trip attended by John Paul II.
3. I don’t know what to choose ?
A. On our website you will find plenty of information which will help you to find interesting section and in accordance to your skills. You will find both the descriptions of rivers and also of individual sections with information, among other things, about difficulties, number of places requiring carrying the kayaks and duration of a trip. However, if you have additional questions, you can contact us via the contact form, we also advise to contact us using the address info@ekajaki.pl or the phone number 510-808-333. Since we are active canoeists ourselves we will advise you as well as we can and just be happy to answer your questions.
4. What are organized weekend kayaking trips?
A. This offer is aimed at those with little or no experience in kayaking and at people who do not have companions to go canoeing. These are one-day kayaking trips and their scope includes transport from the base in Parchowo at the beginning of the trip, renting equipment (kayaks, paddles, life jackets and waterproof bags - one per kayak!), securing the trip by instructors and transport from the ending place of the trip to the base and integration bonfire for participants of the trip. Also bear in mind that each trip is preceded by training concerning kayaking techniques and safety rules. Each participant is also protected by accident insurance.
5. Which rivers are included in organized weekend trips?
A. During the weekend trips we mainly travel along different sections of Słupia and its tributaries (.eg. Kamienica), various sections of Łupawa, Wda, Brda and their tributaries, sometimes also we choose Wieprza or its tributary Pokrzywna. The range is very wide as well as the level of difficulty, so that everyone can find something for themselves and not get bored.
6. How long does it take to organize a weekend trip?
A. It all depends on the difficulty of the section which you select, on the number of people involved and the distance between start and finish line of route from our base. However, we arrive at the latest at the base at approx. 18.00, in most cases we finish around 16.00.
7. Can I take child to the kayak as a 3rd person?
A. Sure. Kayaks we own are adjusted to travelling with a small child in the central part. In such a situation special support is mounted, but such a situation should be reported in advance so the service of the trip would be prepared for it. You also have to remember that this applies to small children. Older children should kayak with a parent in front of the double kayak due to their comfort.
8. What to take for a kayaking trip?
A. We encourage you to read our bookmark. You will find all the necessary things and information that may be useful to you regards the trip there.
9. Are the participants of the trip insured?
A. Yes. Both those who rent theequipment and do not participate in organized kayaking trips and participants of organized trip, both the weekend and longer ones.
10. What influences the safety of a trip?
A. The equipment, which the company owns is made from the best, and at the same time the safest material available on the market - polyethylene. All kayaks have the required certificates. Each participant is provided with a trailing buoyancy aid – no matter if it is an organized kayaking trip or rental of kayaking equipment. All participants of the kayaking events have accident insurance. During trips organized at the weekend participants can expect extra safety service concerning the trip.
11. Does the organizer guarantee the weather?
A. The weather is always good, sometimes the kayakers are not property dressed, though…
12. Can one try so called kayaking over „piled up trees” or additional adrenaline in Kashubia?
A. Of course. We are fortunate as the Kashubian area is abound with many different rivers and even the nature of the rivers within their course changes dramatically. This makes them suitable for beginners and advanced paddlers seeking adventure. Kayaking over piled up trees and sections for experienced kayakers are mainly in the upper section. Among these sections one must point out Sulęczyńska Valley, Kamienica and section Sulęczyno - Parchowo on Słupia. But these are only examples and there are many more cool rivers in Kashubia.
13. Are we expensive?
A. If you compare the different offers it may turn out that we do not belong to the cheapest ones, but remember - think carefully about what falls within the scope of provided services. We provide comprehensive services. The trips we organize are calculated at a flat rate. If you would like to order a service which will be composed of the individual element, it will cost you much more. Our equipment is also exchanged for new items on a regular basis . Besides, we focus on quality of service. We are planning trips in such a way we are the ones waiting for you at equipment reclaim and not the other way round. The best proof are our customers, who appreciate our commitment for many years and remain loyal.
14. How can I book a place for kayaking trip?
A. The best way is through the reservation form on the website www.ekajaki.pl or by sending us mail (info@ekajaki.pl). On the phone we will give you all the necessary information, but we do not accept the reservation, because in the seasonal “fever” human memory can be unreliable, and we want you to enjoy yourselves.
15. How early should I make a reservation?
A. At least one day before the scheduled trip, but keep in mind that although we have more than 100 double kayaks and almost twice as many single ones, during the season due to demand often there are not enough. Also remember that we happen to export equipment on the day before the start of the trip, then any change in the number of participants may be troublesome.
16. Can I take dog for the kayaking trip?
A. We have already dealt with customers coming with animals, both those renting the equipment for a longer period and traveling without our safety supervision as well as those taking part in organized events. Generally, there is no impediment to kayak with our pet, you must remember, however, that as a rule trips are held for a larger group and you must make sure that the dog will not be afraid of the noise, other participants of the event or water. Also keep in mind that the owner of the dog is a fully responsible while kayaking.
17. Can I come day before the trip and stay somewhere for the night?
A. There is no problem with accommodation at out kayaking base in Parchowo. You can use the campsite with full bathroom (toilet and shower with hot water), shelter, a place to make fire and a real treat - a winter military tent (with a goat in the middle - the stove, not an animal;-). If you're lucky it can be as free when you arrive. Just please let us know in advance so we can prepare.
18. Do you have the all authorizations to organize canoeing trips?
A. Addition to our experience is the Permit No. 292 by Governor of Pomeranian region required by law to operate as Organizer of Tourism and the appropriate insurance for organizers of tourism guaranteeing the accident insurance of participants of the trip.
19. Do you organize other kayaking trips apart from the weekend ones?
A. At least a few times a year you can take part in organized canoeing trips lasting 7-8 days from the beginning to the mouth of the river. During the trip group is accompanied by a guide, participants are accommodated in tents. During the trip we also provide daily transportation of luggage. Most often there is also one day during which the paddles are changed for bikes and bike tour takes place to take a break from kayaking.
A. It is also possible to take part in a one-day trip organized with accommodation in our kayak base. During the so-called long weekends (e.g. in May) events are held almost every day, so you can spend five days in the base, sleep here and enjoy all the charms and attractions of the place and every morning go on our trip. It is very convenient because you do not have to worry about luggage and the transport to the start and the finish to the base. Besides, this is a nice element of integration.
20. I want to try something new and feel the adrenaline rush - what kayak should I choose?
A. If the kayaking adventure tempts you and you have experience in kayaking in "twos" and "ones" we encourage you to try your chances at using mountain kayak. It is shorter, more maneuverable, makes maneuvering easy but you have to be prepared for turning over with the kayak pretty fast. Although we guarantee that once you get to this kayak you will not be attracted to recreational kayaks anymore. We offer a variety of mountain kayaks - you can come and try them, but remember that you have to arrange it in advance so it would not turn out that at some point you would have no choice, because everything is in the water. To enjoy the full capabilities of the mountain kayaks we suggest using kayak shirts, so that even if kayak swings strongly water is not poured into it just stops on the skirt.